Back in the studio
I am beginning another edition of my penguin books silk screen prints!
Araceli joined as my assistant + we spent a very inky Saturday at the Halo Halo studio printing the first orange layer.
It was quite chilly so we kept warm by singing show tunes. Am convinced this made the prints come out better.
Very inky screen.
Me with prints drying on the rack in background and my A Room of One's own screen which will be printed on top next week.
Thursday was gallery night
Araceli + I on streetcar on way to neighbour Richard's opening. The gorgeous bouquet is from Jaiden's petals.
My neighbour Richard (Storms) at Birch Libralato.
Arnaud Maggs at Susan Hobbs
Araceli + I on streetcar on way to neighbour Richard's opening. The gorgeous bouquet is from Jaiden's petals.
My neighbour Richard (Storms) at Birch Libralato.
Arnaud Maggs at Susan Hobbs
Jen Bekman
Wow just listened to Debbie Millman's Design Matters podcast with Jen Bekman - owner of 20 X 200 + Jen Bekman projects.
Very interesting to learn how Jen's varied work + life experiences (and issues with authority!) eventually led to the creation of 20 X 200. Her scrappy, slightly bad ass nature really comes through in the interview and is completely inspiring.
One gem that stuck out:
"Your list of what you need to accomplish is always longer than your list of accomplishments
... But you have to look at the latter one every night and take a sec to enjoy your achievements in order to get the energy to move forward the next day."
Amen to that.
Such a good interview. Methinks required listening for any creative entrepreneur type - and extra special for the creative woman folk! Listen to it here.
Jessica Helfand on Pinterest
Good article by Jessica Helfand in LA Times yesterday.
She asks:
"Is Pinterest a repository for aesthetic pleasure or a pop-up mall?"
ie. is it too focused on selling product rather than sharing inspiration?
These are good questions (and her Harold Pinter puns are great) but I was surprised she didn't raise the other thorny Pinterest issues: those of copyright + pinner's rampant lack of proper crediting of their sources. This is a pet peeve of mine - will write more on it this week!
She asks:
"Is Pinterest a repository for aesthetic pleasure or a pop-up mall?"
ie. is it too focused on selling product rather than sharing inspiration?
These are good questions (and her Harold Pinter puns are great) but I was surprised she didn't raise the other thorny Pinterest issues: those of copyright + pinner's rampant lack of proper crediting of their sources. This is a pet peeve of mine - will write more on it this week!