Claire's great basket of embroidery floss
My shoe drawing
Claire demonstrating how to transfer a drawing onto fabric
Ta Da!
In the hoop and ready to embroider
Progress so far
Last Wednesday I spent the afternoon with my friend Claire Milne.
Claire is an illustrator and crafty gal extraordinaire with expertise in sewing, knitting, crochet and embroidery. You can check out some lovely handmade items in her etsy shop here.
I have wanted to learn more about embroidery since falling in love with the Bayeux tapestry years ago. Claire taught me how to do many stitches including running stitch, chain stitch and french knots- ooh ahh - plus she demonstrated how to transfer a design onto fabric using Sarel transfer paper. I absolute love the process of embroidery --so be warned! you'll be seeing more stitchy creations in the future.