Very happy to have my illustration of the fabulous Tabatha Southey used for the cover of her new book"Collected Tarts". As Paul Wells states "She is funny, sexy, vulnerable and brave. She is one of this country's great voices"
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6.25 X 6.25 Silkscreen print30.00 CAD
Printed on off white Somerset 300 GSM paper with a beautiful ragged edge
Edition of 40 Signed and numbered
This image celebrates the importance of *Chilling out* and taking time for reflection + reconnecting with our inner lives - something essential to creativity and in part inspired by Eva Hoffman's book "How to be Bored". As a freelancer I often struggle with taking a break from work and constantly seek justification for doing so. :-) Hoping this print will serve as a reminder to Chill Out often. Wishing you some nourishing off time this holiday weekend.
ps. You can find a short video of me printing this print on instagram.
Very happy to have my illustration of the fabulous Tabatha Southey used for the cover of her new book"Collected Tarts". As Paul Wells states "She is funny, sexy, vulnerable and brave. She is one of this country's great voices"
My cover illustration for Globe Style appeared this past Saturday
Fabulous art direction by Ben Macdonald
New Illustration inspired by the Charcoal ice cream trend which I discovered last week when I accidentally fell upon the long line up at ihalo Krunch on Queen West in Toronto.
Also evolving my style and starting to experiment with no lines on the exterior of my work.
I've put some prints on sale for Father's Day. Sale ends June 18th.