I'm giving away a Large Black bouquet silkscreen print. 

To Enter: Please visit my Instagram

 Winner announced on February 14th. 

 For added good karma: 
Tell me who you are feeling LOVE for right now for making the world better during these troubling times. For me it is all the immigration lawyers who have given their time so freely in airports to help those affected by the Muslim ban plus - All the kick ass companies including Google, Apple + amazon, etsy who have joined the legal brief opposing Trump's ban. 

Paper maché masks that I want to make

 I have been craving to do paper mache for several years now
I long to do something super tactile with flour and newspaper strips
and paint with a big fat paintbrush
Will be freeing methinks!
I figure if I state my intentions here I will be held accountable to act on them. :-)

#papermache #dowhatyoulove #sanity #creativity #art